Bookkeeping Services are transaction entry and reconciliation to bank or credit card statements. For bank feeds, bookkeeping tasks include defining rules for individual vendors and checking individual transaction.
Set-up Services (one time)
Accounting system from scratch (if needed): $500.
Ongoing Services
$500 per month for 3 accounts combined of bank and credit cards. Based on $45 per hour. 2 hours accounting level @ $80/hour and 7 hours bookkeeping level @ $45/hour and $25 as needed.
Catch-up Services
$3,000 per year to catch up on previous year’s bookkeeping. This includes up to 100 transaction (combined for all accounts) per month or 1,200 transactions per year. If greater than 100 transactions per month or 1,200 transactions per year, then $600 more for every additional 1,200 per year. Additional transactions charged on an annualized basis so that if one or two months exceed the 100 transaction limit but other months fall short then additional charges won’t kick in.
If transactions are substantially less than 1,200 per year, fees can be adjusted accordingly.
Clean-up Services
$80 per hour to clean-up client’s books and accounting system defects.
Training Services
$80 per hour at client’s offices, 8 hours minimum.